
Tired Of Being Sick And Tired? Try Wellness Coaching

Tired Of Being Sick And Tired? Try Wellness Coaching

You wouldn’t dream of driving your car if it was out of oil or never changing the oil, taking it to the mechanic only after a problem arises, so why do you do that to your body? Rather than focusing on ways to stay healthier, people often wait until they get sick to seek relief. In reality, wellness coaching could be a benefit for everyone who believes preventing a problem is far better than fixing a problem after it occurs.

What is wellness coaching?

Wellness coaching is a process that investigates all areas of your life to find ways to make you not only healthier, but more content and a better citizen of the planet, which ultimately leads to better health. We have a serious crisis in our nation. It’s called obesity and is the leading cause of preventable deaths, far surpassing smoking. There are projections, based on today’s statistics, that in less than ten years over half of Americans will be obese. Obesity plays a key role in serious conditions, such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke and coronary artery disease. It also is a major contributor to arthritis of the knee and hip, which cause the need for knee and hip replacements.

The Western diet and lack of exercise are at the root of many problems.

Your body was made to move and designed to use fuel that is natural. Many of the food products on the shelves are created in labs. That explains why a large portion of the obese population also suffer from malnutrition. Exercise is also necessary to keep the body healthy, yet our lifestyle has become sedentary due to modern technology. To make staying healthy harder, each person has different needs in every area, including exercise and diet, different levels of fitness, overall health and eating restrictions. That’s where a coach can help by creating a plan to guide you to a healthier lifestyle.

We are more than just our body.

You are a combination of mind, body and spirit and also a citizen of the world. Your thoughts affect your health, just as your spiritual beliefs affect both your mental and physical body. Using your intellect to learn new things and make new friends can make life more exciting. Studies show that positive social interaction helps people live a longer and richer life. Having a belief system aids in relaxation and can help guide important decisions in life that will lead to more happiness. A strong spiritual connection can take much of the stress out of life.

  • Working in a job that is unrewarding and one that makes you hate the start of the work week, can directly affect your health and outlook on life, no matter what the income. Finding the work you were meant to do is important to your wellness. A coach can help.
  • If you feel isolated and alone, it can affect not only your mental and physical health. Social wellness is just as important as exercise and also can cause you to be more active. A wellness coach can help you discover new ways to socialize.
  • You are a citizen of the planet and a steward of the earth. By taking care of the environment, you’re also taking care of yourself. Just changing some household products for natural ones can make a difference in your health and the health of your family and pets.
  • Know that you’re important and a wellness coach is just as important for a healthy lifestyle. If you’re healthy and happy, that spreads to others whose lives you touch and gives you the energy to do more and be more than you ever thought possible.

For more information, contact us today at A Strong Life

Weight Loss Starts By Eating Healthy and Meal Planning Is The Key

Weight Loss Starts By Eating Healthy and Meal Planning Is The Key

Is weight loss one of your goals? You need to be eating healthy to get the biggest benefits. Eating healthy isn’t dieting. In fact, many people claim they eat far more than they used to eat and lose weight. Eating healthy includes concepts of a balanced diet of whole foods, limiting added sugar, white flour products and processed foods. It doesn’t have to be difficult and meal planning can make it even easier.

How does meal planning work?

When you do meal planning, you create a healthy menu for the week and list all the ingredients you need on one night. You do the shopping for those items on another evening or day, but only after you’ve already eaten, to make sure snacks don’t somehow make their way into your cart. Over the weekend or any time you have a full day to devote without outside tugs like work, you cook all the meals for the week at once and package to use throughout the coming week.

Meal planning and prep sounds like too much work.

It does sound like a lot of work, but by doing it all at once, you’ll actually get more done in less time. You can chop all the vegetables and fruit for the week at once that are used for both meals and snacks, using meat for several recipes and cooking several dishes at once. During the week, all you have to do is heat and serve.

You can save money and time when you meal plan.

Taking advantage of season fruits and vegetables is one way to save money. Making double the recipe and freezing meals for other weeks is another method of saving time and money. If you have extra meat or cooked vegetables, it’s not a problem. You can freeze those ingredients for other meals down the road. Nothing goes to waste when you meal plan because you measure each meal. Even the bones can be roasted and used for delicious, healthy broth. Best of all, you’ll have an answer when faced with that dreaded question, “What’s for supper?”

  • When you’re meal planning, don’t forget to include healthy snacks. Fresh cubed fruit or sliced raw veggies and dip make a healthy option for those mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks.
  • The kids can help you prepare the meals. There are tasks that can be done by all ages, like packing individual bags of dried fruit and nuts. Helping teaches children about healthy eating. By being part of the process, it also encourages healthy eating.
  • By having the food ready to heat and serve, it takes minutes to prepare supper. In fact, it makes dinner prep during the week quicker than waiting in line at a fast food drive-through, plus it will taste better.
  • If you have special dietary needs or want a diet to match your goal we take much of the work out of meal planning by creating the plan for you. Always check with your health care professional before starting any dietary change or exercise program.

For more information, contact us today at A Strong Life

Have You Considered Intermittent Fasting?

Have You Considered Intermittent Fasting?

In New Haven, CT, many of my clients at A Strong Life have chosen intermittent fasting—IF—as their route to a thinner, healthier lifestyle. There are several ways to do this type of eating style, but they all have the same premise, you modify when you eat. One plan of intermittent fasting that many people find the easiest is the 16:8 technique. You eat normally eight hours of the day and fast the other sixteen hours. For instance, you could eat your first meal at 10:00 am and finish your last meal of the day at 6:00 pm, fasting until the next morning at 10:00.

Two other types of IF also gives your digestive system a rest and help you lose weight.

You can also fast some days and not others. On fasting days, you eat approximately a fourth of the calories as you do on regular days, but not more than 500 calories a day. An alternate day fast is just as it sounds, you fast every other day, while a 5:2 fast means you eat normally five days a week and fast two days that aren’t consecutive. Whether it’s a fasting day or a day of normal eating, healthy eating is still important.

There are huge benefits to fasting.

Many studies show that IF has more than just weight control benefits. Animal studies as far back as the 1940s showed that rats fed on alternate days lived longer and had delayed signs of aging. There are a number of hypothesis why this occurred and one was that animals in the wild, just like early man, often didn’t eat every day and the body was created to endure that. Studies of both animals and humans that did IF had lowered inflation markers, improved metabolism, lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels and improved brain functioning. It also lowered their risk of cancer, improved insulin resistance and helped them lose weight.

Weight loss was a big benefit of intermittent fasting.

It doesn’t matter what type of fasting you do, one of the most popular reasons to do IF is for weight loss. Your body needs fuel and if when you eat, it gets that fuel from the carbs you eat. If you consume simple carbohydrates, like sugar, it breaks down more quickly and goes into the blood stream, spiking blood sugar levels. If you fast, your body is forced to use fat to create that fuel. Not only does that help with weight loss, it also helps regulate blood sugar. In an IF study using the 16:8 method, the scientists found the subjects actually ate less, too.

  • Intermittent fasting isn’t for everyone. People who take medication for advanced diabetes shouldn’t fast unsupervised by their health care professional. Those taking heart or blood pressure medication, have an eating disorder or who are pregnant or breast feeding shouldn’t either.
  • Fasting can help the process of cell repair, even if you use the 16:8 plan. It also causes changes to your hormones, increasing both HGH—human growth hormone—and the hormones that help burn fat.
  • Fasting makes sense. You’ll eat less because of time restrictions on the 16:8 plan and skip the late night eating that can put on pounds and create digestive problems. That can also make you feel better, too.
  • If you choose IF, you still have to eat healthy, no matter what style of fasting you choose. Our meal plans can help you do that, particularly on the fasting days that have calorie restrictions.

For more information, contact us today at A Strong Life